Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My first hog hunting adventure

Daniel and I were able to take some time together last week and go hog hunting minus Donovan and Natalie. I took this video of the hog that we killed that day, it was quite an experience.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Natalie and Mommy's Nature Photos

Here are the pics that Natalie and I got this weekend.
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Sunday Funday of Hunting

Sunday was another beautiful day for all of us, we enjoyed another great day of hunting. Mr. Kenny killed a 153lb hog and the kids really enjoyed listening to the dogs do what they do. We broke Daniel's new truck in just right, the kids ate in the back seat, wore muddy boots inside, took naps, and one of the dogs even got inside at one point. I'm sure Daniel will be taking it to the detailer on Wednesday when he is in town for our little shopping excursion to get the kids some new camo. It has been an absolutely fantastic weekend full of family time, I'm so glad Daniel's vacation was approved and we were able to have this time together.
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Fair Night!

We took the kids to the fair on Saturday night after a very full day of hunting. We started the night off, going by to see how Natalie and I did on the pictures we submitted for judging. Natalie got thrid place on one and fourth place on the other, and I got honorable mention on one of mine, so we were pretty happy with that. Then it was off to the petting zoo and to ride some rides. Natalie can now say that she has fed a camel, and Donovan has been bitten by a key deer. We also found out that Natalie is our dare devil, she wanted on all the fast rides, while Donovan wanted to enjoy the fun houses. It was pretty funny when the kids went through the house of mirrors, Daniel and I were standing out front watching them get through when all of a sudden we heard this *thwack*, it was Natalie colliding with the glass on one of the mazes, she stepped back and rubbed her forehead, while her good big brother Donovan was falling over laughing at her. Needless to say she was okay, but it sure was funny for all of the rest of us. We rode the bumper cars and even the Himalaya, and the kids got to play carnie games. But you know, for the first time ever, we went to the fair and didn't eat fair food. We decided that we had had enough "junk" food during the day of hunting, so we took the kids to dinner when we were all done.
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Daniel's Big Day



Daniel had a great day on Saturday, this was Natalie, Donovan and I's first trip hog hunting, and Daniel's second hog kill, and he bagged two. What a great day it was, Donovan started off his day killing a deer, Daniel got two hogs and Natalie and I have lots of nature pictures that we will be sharing soon.
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Saturday Morning Excitement


Donovan killed his first deer, unassisted. My Dad took him hunting Saturday morning in Three Rivers, Dad had a doe tag that has been burning a hole in his camo for Donovan to shoot a deer. So they went to the stand, and waited, and this doe walked in, they watched her a few minutes and then Donovan took his shot. Dad and Donovan took the deer back, cleaned it up and hung it in the freezer, so we didn't take any pictures of Donovan and his deer until Sunday night when we brought her back to Uncle Bill's house for processing. We are so proud of our little hunter.
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Monday, November 2, 2009

A Ghoulish Night



Halloween is always one of my favorite times with the kids, the excitement of getting ready, getting to visit with everyone that we are not always good at keeping up with, and trick or treating with two of the best mannered kids I know. I was so proud of my scary twosome, they remembered to tell everyone Thank You for the yummy treats, without prompting from me, that is really a great moment as a parent, you really know that you have done something right along the way. We were even able to catchup with Uncle Bill and Auntie Chell for the hayride and get together at their house. As you can see, I didn't take many pictures, I made a deal with the kids that if they would cooperate at the house that I would leave my camera at home and have a night of pure fun.
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Sleepover Fun

Donovan has been working so hard at school that I told him he could have a friend over on Friday, so he invited his friend Jake. Jake is such a sweet kid, he would be welcome at our house anytime. The kids took all these pictures except for the one that had all three of them in it, the funny story behind that one is that I am sitting inside making dinner, Jake and Donovan are trying to wrestle and Natalie comes running across the yard and piles on top, she really does think she is one of the boys. Caught both of them by suprise and they all ended up in a big heap on the ground, best part of all is that Jake is such a sweet kid that unlike some of Donovan's other guy friends, he just let Natalie join in, he didn't come whining inside to have me make her leave them alone. What fun everyone had that night, the boys stayed up late, eating leftovers from Mom's homemade pizza and hot wings. Natalie passed out in front of the Hannah Montana movie.
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Cougar of the Week

Here is Donovan on the Friday afternoon announcements being named the Cougar of the Week for his classroom. We are so proud of him and all his hardwork, he is a really great kid and we are thankful that God has blessed us with him and Natalie.
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Party til you Drop

Friday was full of class parties and sing alongs at the kids' school. Natalie's class went to one of the 5th grade classes where they sang about bones and then Natalie's class returned the favor with a spanish version of the body parts song. It was adorable. Then off to Donovan's class to enjoy the festivities and visit with his friends. And we finished off with Natalie's party, Donovan was able to suprise her by coming and seeing her and her friends.
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