Monday, April 28, 2008

Crawfordville Festival 2008

As you already know, Donovan won the contest for his class for selling the most tickets, so he was involved in the opening ceremony for his school's annual festival. He had been excited all week, but when the time came, he wasn't looking too excited. After the opening ceremony, we (Donovan and I) worked the booth for his class, he was a BIG help. Then we went around to the other booths, at the end of the trip, the kids got to try the lemon straws. It is where they take a soft peppermint stick and cut a hole in a lemon, apparently after you leave the peppermint in the lemon for a little while, you can bite off the end of the peppermint stick and suck the juice through, like a straw. The kids really loved it.
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