Monday, March 31, 2008

Spring Is Here

Well, we always know when spring has arrived, our schedule becomes increasingly busy. We had a pretty eventful weekend. We started it off with a shopping trip for Me, Natalie, Aunt Carly and Hunter, Natalie ended up getting a new dress. After that we had a birthday party for one of Donovan's best friends, Hailey. Donovan had a small mishap on the trampoline, it didn't require any stitches, but he had a nice little cut on his forehead. I will try to show everyone pics tomorrow, he is still a little sensitive over the whole thing. After that Daniel went out with the boys for a little R&R and the kids and I went on a little outting, ending the night with some ice cream at McDonalds. Sunday the kids went over to Jancee and Wiggles to play for a little while and other than that it was a good day for relaxing, so that is what we did. Daniel and I got to watch a whole movie, WOW, for you parents out there, you know what I mean, for anyone who is interested...American Gangster is a really good movie. I'm sure I will have more to share as the week goes on. Donovan is having his awards ceremony at school on Thursday, Daniel has promised to take some pics for me, since I won't make it. So talk with you soon.
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Friday, March 28, 2008

Donovan got A/B Honor Roll!

What a great accomplishment for Donovan, he brought every one of his grades up this nine week period. He also got Super Citizen, which considering we had two parent, teacher, principal meetings before Christmas, this is a great turn around. He got a 3.5 AR Reader, which he needed a 2.5. So Donovan is really working hard this last half of the year. We are so proud of him!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Last Game of the Season



The last game of the season went great, the kids had fun and played well. It was a little sad to see it end. After the game the kids got their trophies, ate some pizza and cupcakes, which by the way, black icing should be used with caution, it dyed the kids' mouths, it was so funny. Here are two of Donovan's friends, Micah and Noah with their trophies, thanks again to Melanie for taking pics for me.
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2008 Rockies Season Closer


Tonight is the last game of the season. The game starts at 6:15 with an awards ceremony with trophies, pizza and cupcakes to follow. Dan made cupcakes for me yesterday and I was able to ice them last night. Here is a pic of the final product, also, I made a collage of pictures, since we haven't had team pictures done, to give to each of the parents for the team. Hope to see you all there tonigth, GO ROCKIES!
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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wonderful News

We have some wonderful news to share. Daniel has been hired on as a Correctional Officer for the Wakulla County prison. He was told that he would be a team leader once he started at the Academy. Dan will start at the academy on Monday, April 14th. This is a wonderful blessing, thank you to everyone who has been there through this arduous journey.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter 2008

What a busy weekend. The kids had a wonderful Easter. They got to spend alot of time with their cousin, Riley, which has been great. We got together and let the kids color eggs on Saturday evening, we didn't know if they would spend Easter with green and purple hands or not, but we did find out that lotion does wonders on egg dyed hands. They got to meet some new cousins down at the Sopchoppy River Davis family get together (that is my side of the family), they hunted for eggs, and got to eat alot of good food. Then we went back to Uncle Bill and Auntie Chells for some more egg hunting. Carra and Desirea came over and joined in hunting the eggs with us. We all had alot of fun, but it is over now and back to some normal weekday activities. Donovan only has two games left, so back to the ballgames for us.
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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Is that a Lizard?????

Well, Natalie Jean may become a tomboy yet. She and Donovan caught this lizard on Saturday and had so much fun playing with him. By the lizards were harmed in the taking of this photo....or after.
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Friday, March 21, 2008

Friday afternoon of fishing


What a wonderful way to spend a Friday. The kids were out of school and I had the day off, so Dan and I took the kids to go fishing. We had a whole lot of fun, we caught a small mess of about 5 catfish and a bream, but it was worth it. Natalie is losing her girly girl image with the worms, but don't worry, she isn't a tomboy yet.
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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Rockies vs Red Sox

The team did great, as usual. The kids really seem to be getting a handle on it. Donovan was so proud, he had a huge cheering section at the game. Nana and Papa Davis, Jancee and Wiggles, and Grandmother all came out to watch him play. I included a picture of the back of Natalie's t-shirt for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. She still has some training before she is a first rate cheerleader, she is more interested in the snacks from the consession stand than watching Donovan play. Only two games left.
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Rockies vs Reds

This may be my favorite picture of the whole season. You'd never guess that within minutes of this picture, Natalie was having a hissy fit over a sucker. The game went well last night, we were up against a very "hard core" team. Not how we like to play at this age, but to each his own. We are coming close to the close of the season. We got the note last night that they will be doing a pizza party at the end of their last game to hand out trophies. Only a few games left and the season is over for the year, hard to believe it.
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Dan's Interview

Well, the next step is here. Dan has his interview with the prison on Tuesday at 2 pm. I'm sure he will do great! More to come on that topic next week.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Fun at Chuck E Cheese


We spent our Sunday at Chuck E Cheese and Movies 8 seeing Alvin and the Chipmunks. It was alot of fun. For any of you Mom's looking for some great deals, check out, they offer an email list to get some really cool coupons on pizza and tokens. The Chuck E Cheese here in town has really improved in the past couple of months.
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Samson's First Haircut


Samson got his first haircut on Friday. He has been loving it. He went to Canine Clips on Glover Rd, they did a fantastic job.
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Friday, March 14, 2008

Rockies vs White Sox


First off, I want to give Melanie a huge thank you for taking these pics. I can't believe I forgot my camera at work last night. The kids did great as usual. Donovan is really getting the baseball bug, he spent his morning watching sports center with Daniel discussing Billy Crystal's day of baseball with the Mets. We have been looking into a baseball summer camp that Donovan would like to go to, but haven't quite made a decision for this year. Daniel is gearing up to take the kids to the game tonight, as I am having a girls party at the house tonight which was scheduled back in January. Happy Friday everybody!
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Monday, March 10, 2008

Princess DressUp Tea Party


Well yesterday was alot of fun, we really enjoyed the time to visit with everyone. Here are some pics we got, I am waiting to see what everyone else got, once I get those I will share them also. Thank you everyone for making it such a special day for Natalie!
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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Rockies vs Twins


Donovan did great at Saturday's game. There were fireworks after the Rec Parks opening ceremonies and we were all suprised they would even light as cold as it was. The Rockies did great, we don't keep score in TBall, but they did a really good job.
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Friday, March 7, 2008

2008 Rockies TBall Schedule

We got the schedule last night so here it is, all games are played at the Medart Rec Park, we are the home team at each game, so we sit on the third base line.

Saturday, March 8th @ 9:30 am on Field 12, Rockies vs Twins
Thursday, March 13th @ 6:15 pm on Field 13, Rockies vs White Sox
Friday, March 14th @ 7:00 pm on Field 12, Rockies vs Blue Jays
Tuesday, March 18th @ 6:15 pm on Field 14, Rockies vs Reds
Thursday, March 20th @ 7:00 pm on Field 14, Rockies vs Red Sox
Monday, March 24th @ 6:15 pm on Field 15, Rockies vs Giants
Thursday, March 27th @ 6:15 pm on Field 14, Rockies vs Devil Rays

(The coach is thinking of doing an end of season ceremony after the last game with trophies and pizza, I will let you know for sure as the time gets closer)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Easy as could be....

Dan passed his Basic Abilities Test for Corrections! So now we find out if he is accepted into the academy on the 17th. Congrats Honey!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Let the Ballgames Begin

We got a call from Donovan's TBall coach that the TBall schedule had a small change from the Rec Park, there is a pre-season game on Thursday night at 7:30 and Donovan's First Game is this Saturday at 9:30 am at Field 11 at the Rec Park in Medart. I apologize for the short notice, I would have liked to have given more notice, but that is how it goes sometimes. We have not gotten the rest of the season schedule, once we have it, it will be posted. Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Natalie's Birthday Party Details


I just wanted to remind everybody that Natalie's 4th Birthday party is Sunday at 3:30 at our house. We are having a princess dress up tea party followed by a cookout for anyone who is interested, just bring a side dish, we will be having venison burgers with hot dogs, we will provide the burgers and dogs, we just ask that if you are staying for dinner that you bring something to go with it. See you Sunday!
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